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What is menopause?Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It’s diagnosed after you’ve undergone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s. Menopause is a natural biological process.Let’s talk about stages of menopause as it is not a sudden process. A female experience through series of hormonal, physical and emotional changes/ transition in body before landing up into actual menopause. STAGES OF MENOPAUSE: Perimenopause – TREATMENT OF MENOPAUSE :Treatment of menopause depends on how severe your symptoms are and how much are they affecting your day to day life. Menopause is just like any other phase of life. Don’t be shy to discuss your emotional or physical issues at this age. Help is always there to bring your inner happiness back in your life.


Infertility and optioms, adoption n surrogacy

Infertility is defined as a couple’s inability to conceive even after one year of unprotected intercourse during ovulation days. Infertility is perceived as a social problem in our country. Newly wed couples are often forced by families to plan a baby early after marriage and in desperation of not being able to get pregnant after some months only the couple tend to seek medical help. This all definitely causes stress to the couple, adding upon their trouble. In our society females are often blamed for not being able to get pregnant but that is not true. Let’s see what are causes of infertility and how much these factors can be responsible.As seen in the chart male and females both are 30% responsible for the infertility. Mixed factors contribute 20% and 20% times the cause is not known to us. Let’s look upon the causes in detail: Age: As the age increases chances if infertility increases as number of viable eggs decreases.Tubal factors: it includes blockage of tube due to infection, endometriosis or adhesions. It may be totally or partially blocked.Uterine factors: it may include structural abnormality in uterus like septate uterus or bicornuate uterus, fibroids in uterus, thin endometrium.Ovarian factors: the may include some cyst in ovary, anovualtory ovaries due to hormonal problems in body.Hormonal factors: hormonal imbalance of thyroid, prolactin, LH, FSH and PCOS can cause infertility. Causes of male infertility is definitely due to poor semen quality which may be due to many factors starting from hormonal, structural defect, obstruction in semen pathway or psychological factors.DIAGNOSIS OF INFERTILITYFor diagnosing the cause of infertility both partners need to be examined physically and tests need to be done.Test include: To brief out, I would like to say that infertility should not be made a taboo. Patience and proper treatment with consultation with your doctor is the key to success.



Dyspareunia Dyspareunia is the medical term for painful intercourse, defined as persistent or recurrent genital pain that occurs just before, during or after intercourse.Types of Dyspareunia : How’s dyspareunia diagnosed?⦁ A ⦁ pelvic examination by a gynaecologist can be help you to diagnose dyspareunia. During this procedure, your doctor will look at the external and internal pelvic area for signs of:⦁ Dryness⦁ inflammation or infection⦁ anatomical problemsgenital warts⦁ scarring⦁ abnormal masses⦁ endometriosis⦁ tendernessHow’s dyspareunia treated?Medications – Dyspareunia treatments are based on the cause of the condition. If your pain is caused by an underlying infection or condition, your doctor may treat it with:⦁ Antibiotics.⦁ Antifungal medicines.⦁ Topical gel based painkillers or lubricants like Lox jelly or K-Y jelly.Low estrogen levels cause dyspareunia in some women. Estrogen replacement in body can help you decrease dyspareunia.⦁ An estrogen-free drug called ospemifene (Osphena) acts like estrogen on vaginal tissues. It’s effective in making the tissues thicker and less fragile. This can reduce the amount of pain women experience with sexual intercourse.Home careThese home remedies can also reduce dyspareunia symptoms:⦁ Have sex when you and your partner are relaxed.⦁ Be comfortable and happy with your partner.⦁ Communicate openly with your partner about your pain.⦁ Empty your bladder before sex.⦁ Take a warm bath before sex.⦁ Take an over-the-counter pain reliever before.⦁ Apply an ice pack to the vulva to calm burning after sex. ⦁ Keigles exercise and strengthen your muscles and tone them up and hence relieve pain.(PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTOR still remains the foremost factor in painful sex. Being comfortable with your partner and getting fear while doing sex is helpful 90% times in relieving pain. Medications are there to help but your mind is the best medicine you have in this case.)



DFKC (DAILY FETAL KICK COUNT) What is DFKC?It is a way to check the health of your unborn baby. It’s done by counting the number of kicks you feel of baby in the uterus in a certain time period.By 20 weeks gestation, most women are able to feel their baby’s movements. Initially it feels like a flicker, gas movement or bubbles in tummy and by 6 months you may actually start feeling kick of baby. Movements vary in strength and how often they occur. A baby may be more active about an hour after the mother eats. This is because of the increase in sugar (glucose) in the mother’s blood. Fetal movement normally increases during the day with peak activity late at night. Why might I need to do fetal movement counting?Fetal movement is an easy way to know your baby’s health in the womb. Each woman should know the normal pattern and number of movements for her own baby. A change in the normal pattern or number of fetal movements may mean the baby is under stress. How to do DFKC : Starting from 28 weeks or 6 months pregnancy pregnant woman should count the baby movements as explained so as to know baby well being.After any major meal (after breakfast, lunch and dinner) mother should sit or lie down in lateral position in relaxed state of mind and count baby movement for 2 hours. The minimum kick count should be 10. If it’s less than 10 after 2 hours on 2 or more occasions (12 hours apart), you need to consult your doctor for further evaluation.Reasons of decreased DFKC: What to do if DFKC is less than 10:Drink water or eat something or exercise and try to count again. If still it’s the same then consult your doctor. What are the risks of fetal movement counting?There are no risks to the mother or unborn baby during fetal movement counting. It can instead help to pick up on decreased fetal movement and help prevent problems for the baby by detecting them early.

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