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Myths in pregnancy

Myths in pregnancy

An illustration from Tamanna Woman & Child Clinic addressing common myths about pregnancy, featuring a pregnant woman in a purple dress and bold text emphasizing the word "MYTHS."

DR. Tamanna Vinaik Agrawal Mob: 7738848620
Gynaecologist & Obstetrician
Follow me on Facebook: Dr. Tamanna Vinaik


  1. Can we eat papaya?

⦁ Yes , you can eat ripe papaya but not the raw or seeds
⦁ Ripe (paka hua) papaya is safe to eat, raw papaya (kacha) and papaya seeds to be avoided

  1. Guava can be taken – it does not cause cold
  2. Avoid EXCESS of coffee and tea- excess causes gastritis and prevent absorption of iron
    Upto 3 cups /day can be taken ( 1 medium sized cup = 100 ml)
  3. Drink 8-10 glasses of water / day. Keep your bottle separate, so that you can measure
    amount consumed.
  4. Avoid consumption of liquids like water, tea and coffee after 7 pm, so that you have to get up
    less in night to pass urine .


  1. Slight touch over tummy can harm baby – NO
    Baby is in amniotic sac and is safe. Minor bumps are safe for baby to bear.
  2. Carrying heavy weight can induce labour- PARTLY TRUE
    ⦁ Minor load like grocery bags can be carried
    ⦁ Carry equal loads between both arms, do not strain on one side
    ⦁ When picking up load bend knees and then pick up things rather bending on back
  3. Exercise with harm baby – NO
    ⦁ it is advisable to do some exercise like brisk walk , yoga , meditation , swimming and
    breathing exercises
  4. Flying is not safe – PARTLY TRUE
    ⦁ It is not advisable after 36 weeks and before 12weeks of pregnancy. Other wise also check with your doctor prior to flying.
  5. Cell phones, microwaves and computers are harmful – NO
  6. Can i dye my hair or not? – YES, you can but just avoid it as it has chemicals.
  7. Pregnant to remain away from cats and dogs – YES, as they carry germs and mother can carry
  8. Eating papaya can cause abortion-
    ⦁ RAW papaya to be avoided as it has abortificient chemicals
    ⦁ RIPE papaya is good and rich in vitamin A and should be consumed.
  9. Fish to be avoided in pregnancy – NO
    ⦁ Rather fish is rich in DHA which is very good for baby’s brain.
    ⦁ Only fish living in mercury water to be avoided as they are toxic i.e shark, sword fish, tile fish and king mackerel.
  10. Coffee to be avoided – NO
    ⦁ Small amount of coffee won’t harm.
    ⦁ Only excess to be avoided.
    ⦁ Avoid > 3 cups a day.
    ⦁ Very high caffeine may cause low birth weight of baby

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