Emergency Contraception by Dr. Tamanna Vinaik Agrawal top gynecologist & obstetrician in Raipur

What is Emergency Contraception?
- Emergency contraception (EC) is a secondary method employed to prevent pregnancy following unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.
- It is not meant for regular use but as an emergency option when other birth control methods fail or are not used.
Types of Emergency Contraception
- Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP):
- Also known as the “morning-after pill.”
- Available over-the-counter at pharmacies with age restrictions.
- Should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex for effectiveness.
- Contains hormones that anticipate pregnancy by deferring or hindering ovulation
- Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD):
- Placement of an intrauterine device (IUD) by a healthcare provider.
- Effective for emergency contraception within a 5-day window after unprotected sex.
- Functions by inhibiting fertilization or implantation of the egg.
Effectiveness of Emergency Contraception
Optimal effectiveness of emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) occurs with prompt use following unprotected sex. If taken within 24 hours, they can lower the chance of getting pregnant by up to 95%. However, the longer you wait to take them, the less they work.
The copper IUD is even better at preventing pregnancy. Achieves a success rate exceeding 99%. This small device is put into the uterus by a doctor and can work for several years.
Understanding how these methods work quickly after unprotected sex helps you make a smart choice about emergency contraception if you need it. Understand it better by consulting best gynecologist and obstetrician doctor in Raipur.
When to Consider Using Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception is used in certain situations to help prevent pregnancy:
- After Unprotected Sex: If you had sex without using any protection, like a condom, or if the condom broke or slipped off.
- When Regular Birth Control Wasn’t Used: If you forgot to take your regular birth control pills or didn’t use any other method of birth control during sex.
- In Cases of Sexual Assault: If someone forced you to have sex against your will or without your consent.
How Emergency Contraception Works
- ECPs primarily prevent pregnancy by postponing or suppressing ovulation.
- They may also affect sperm movement and prevent fertilization of the egg.
- Copper IUDs make an unfriendly environment for sperm, avoiding fertilization.
Side Effects of Emergency Contraception
- Common side effects of ECPs include nausea, headache, fatigue, and changes in menstrual bleeding.
- Usually, these side impacts are gentle and temporary.
- The copper IUD may cause cramping and heavier periods initially, but these typically improve over time.
Consulting a Healthcare Provider
- It’s important to consult a healthcare provider, like Dr. Tamanna Vinaik Agrawal, best gynecologist and obstetrician in Raipur, before using emergency contraception.
- Dr. Tamanna a lady doctor can provide personalized advice on the most suitable method based on individual health needs and circumstances.
- She ensures that patients receive accurate information about emergency contraception and any potential side effects.
Important Considerations
Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after you have had unprotected sex or if your birth control method did not work, like if a condom broke.
- No Protection from STIs: Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like condoms do. It’s important to use condoms to lower the risk of getting STIs.
- Not for Regular Use: Emergency contraception is not meant to be used regularly like birth control pills or condoms. It is less effective than these methods in preventing pregnancy if used often.
Accessing Emergency Contraception
Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs)
• ECPs can be bought without a prescription at drugstores, but rules about who can buy them vary from place to place.
Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD)
• To use a copper IUD, a doctor has to put it in your body at a clinic or hospital. Medical consultation is necessary for this procedure.
Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD)
• To use a copper IUD, a doctor has to put it in your body at a clinic or hospital. Medical consultation is necessary for this procedure.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Emergency Contraception
Doctors use growth charts to plot your child’s measurements over time. These charts compare them to others of the same age and gender, giving a clear picture of their growth path. This helps spot trends like rapid weight gain or slow growth, which might need further investigation.
- Prevents Unintended Pregnancy: Emergency contraception helps stop pregnancy if you have unprotected sex or if your regular birth control fails.
- Convenience: You can get emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) at the store without a prescription, making them easy to find.
- Effective: When you use emergency contraception the right way and quickly after unprotected sex, it can lower the chance of getting pregnant.
- Helps in Emergencies: It’s important in cases where someone is forced into sex or if they worry about getting pregnant quickly.
- Side Effects: Some people might feel sick, get headaches, feel tired, or have changes in their period after taking emergency contraceptive pills.
- Time Limits: The longer you wait after unprotected sex, the less likely emergency contraception will work well, especially with pills.
- No Protection from STIs: Emergency contraception does not shield against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like condoms do.
- Not Regular Birth Control: It’s not meant to be used all the time like regular birth control pills because it’s not as good at preventing pregnancy.
- Need a Doctor for IUD: A doctor has to put in the copper IUD, which can be hard to get right away in some places.
Emergency contraception helps stop pregnancy after unprotected sex or if regular birth control fails. It’s safe and works well if used quickly. It’s important to know how it works when to use it, and what it can’t do. Talking to a healthcare provider like Dr. Tamanna Vinaik Agrawal best gynecologist and obstetrician doctor in Raipur is smart. She knows a lot about women’s health and can give good advice about emergency contraception and other things related to women’s bodies. Dr. Tamanna Vinaik Agrawal is a trusted lady doctor who cares about helping women stay healthy.
Why choose Dr. Tamanna Vinaik Agrawal as your healthcare provider?
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