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An illustration showing a woman sitting with her head down, surrounded by text mentioning common symptoms of PCOS such as infertility, obesity, acne, and irregular periods. The graphic promotes information about PCOS, with the logo and name of "Tamanna Woman & Child Clinic" in the top right corner.
                          PCOS – Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common hormonal syndrome experienced by women of reproductive age.
Common symptoms of PCOS include:-
Irregular periods
Difficulty in losing weight
Presence of excessive male hormones leading to acne & facial hair
Hair fall
PCOS is also one of the primary reasons for infertility in women. Since numerous (poly) cysts are formed in the ovaries, hence it is known as polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is a chronic condition that lingers throughout reproductive life.
What causes PCOS?
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. It is not known to have any genetic correlation. Sudden weight gain, co-existing thyroid imbalance, severe stress may aggravate it.
In PCOS women, the ovaries form multiple cysts, which secrete excessive male hormone which in turn causes an imbalance in hormones, and hence irregularity in periods, acne, weight gain and difficulty in conception.
Here are some of the common PCOS symptoms that every woman should know:

  1.  Although menstrual cycle may be normal at the onset, it may become irregular with scanty flow or coming at long intervals.
  2.  Since PCOS directly affects ovulation, women suffering from PCOS may face infertility or difficulty in conception.
  3. Hirsutism (hair growth in male pattern) is common. Thick and dark pigmented hair growth is seen in the upper lips, chin, around nipples and lower abdomen and excessive thinning of hair on scalp. Excessive male hormone also leads to acne
  4. Male pattern balding is also noticed in many women suffering from PCOS.
    5.  Other common symptoms in PCOS include insulin resistance, obesity and weight gain, and High blood pressure in long run leading to Metabolic Syndrome.  
    Insulin resistance and a rise in insulin level in the blood level is one of the primary symptoms in most PCOS women.
  5.  Having an abnormal blood lipid is also common in PCOS women.
  6.  Women suffering from PCOS are more predisposed to developing type 2 diabetes.
  7. Hair loss is another commonly seen symptom in women with PCOS.
    Prevention and treatment of PCOS:
    MILD PCOS – needs only moderate weight loss and lifestyle changes
    SEVERE PCOS – Can be treated with medications.
    Depending on the severity of symptoms, type of symptoms and how it is affecting your day today life, you are given the treatment.
    Your doctor is the best person to help you decide which treatment is the best for you.
    MYTH 1: You did something to cause it.
    The exact cause of PCOS is still unknown. So, you are not to be blamed at all.
    Several factors including genetics are believed to play an important role in it.

MYTH 2: You can’t get pregnant if you have PCOS
This is definitely not true for everyone. Give your body a chance, Talk to your doctor about fertility treatment. Ovulation induction drugs can help maximum couple. Only few of these who are not successful may need IVF treatment.
CAUTION – PCOS females can ovulate intermittently which can cause pregnancy, Hence if you are not planning baby use contraception even if your cycles are irregular.

MYTH 3: PCOS only affects overweight and obese females
It is true that many women who have PCOS are overweight or obese. It Is also true that obesity makes PCOS symptoms worse. However, PCOS does not discriminate and can affect lean females too.
Natural unprocessed food Sugared cereal
High fibre diet – keeps you full & prevents overeating Refined carbohydrates like white rice, cookies, white bread and cakes
Fish , lean meat Artificial sweetner, sugary beverages
Green leafy vegetables Fried food – saturated fats
Nuts like pine nuts, walnuts, almonds , flax seeds Processed food
Protein rich food like chicken, egg , fish Starchy vegetables like potato , peas and corn
Dairy products – they tend to increase insulin in body.

TIP: Try to eat small and frequent meals to strength your metabolism.

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