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Contraceptive methods

Finding out right birth control option can be hard & confusing. A range of devices and treatments are available for both men and women that can help prevent pregnancy. Some methods are more effective with less failure rates than others.Before choosing a birth control method, couple should discuss with the doctor about:⦁ Whether you want to get pregnant soon or not??⦁ How well each method works to prevent pregnancy⦁ Possible side effects⦁ How often you have sex⦁ The number of sex partners you have⦁ Your overall health⦁ How comfortable you are with using the method. (For example, can you remember to take a pill every day? Will you have to ask your partner to put on a condom each time?)⦁ Keep in mind that even the most effective birth control methods can fail. But your chances of getting pregnant are lower if you use a more effective method. LET US SEE WHAT ALL OPTIONS OF BIRTH CONTROL ARE THERE:- Barrier Methods of Birth ControlAs the name suggests, these create a barrier to keep sperm from reaching an egg. You can get most of them at a pharmacy with no prescription. 1. CondomsA condom is a thin latex or polyurethane sheath available for both male and female. The male condom is placed around the erect penis. The female condom is placed inside the vagina before intercourse. It must be worn at all times during intercourse to prevent pregnancy. It can also help to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Failure rate of condom is approximately 15% 2. Diaphragm and Cervical CapA diaphragm is a rubber, dome-shaped device that is inserted into the vagina and placed over the cervix. While a cervical cap is a little cup made from soft silicone. You put it deep inside your vagina to cover your cervix. Used correctly with spermicide (essential) they are 92-96% effective at preventing pregnancy. 1. Birth Control PillsThese may contain both estrogen and progestin, or only progestin. It’s very effective if taken correctly.2. Implants:An implant is a rod with a core of progestin, which it releases slowly. It is inserted under the skin of a woman’s upper arm. The implant is effective for up to 4 years, but it can be removed at any time, and then pregnancy is possible.3. Projestin InjectionsA woman’s buttock or the upper arm is injected with this, and over the next 12 weeks the hormone is slowly released into your bloodstream.4. Skin PatchWomen wear this on the lower abdomen, buttocks, or upper body (but not on the breasts). This method is prescribed by a doctor. It releases hormones progestin and estrogen into the bloodstream.5. Vaginal RingIt is a small, soft plastic ring placed inside your vagina like a tampon. Used correctly, it is estimated to be over 99% effective. It works by releasing hormones (progestogen and estrogen) to stop the release of eggs.6. Emergency (or “morning after”) ContraceptionThe Emergency Contraception Pill can be used to prevent pregnancy after sex if contraception wasn’t used, a condom has broken during sex, or a woman has been sexually assaulted. While it is sometimes called the ‘Morning After’ pill, it can actually be effective for up to five days after having unprotected sex. If you consume it sooner, it is more effective.CAUTION: Regular use of emergency pills is not recommended. Use it less than 4 times a year.7. IUD (Intrauterine Device)The IUD is a small plastic or copper device placed inside the woman’s uterus. Some IUDs release small amounts of progestin. They can be left in place for 3 to 10 years, depending on the device used.Permanent Methods of Birth ControlIf you are a man, woman, or a couples who feel certain they do not want to have children in the future. It is very difficult to reverse.1. Male Sterilization (Vasectomy)It is an outpatient surgery that involves blocking or cutting the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the penis, which keeps sperm from being added to ejaculate.2. Female Sterilization (Tubal ligation or “tying tubes”) (CONSULT WITH YOUR GYNAECOLOGIST for best possible options)


Common pregnancy problems with easy solutions

COMMON PREGNANCY PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS: b. MOOD SWINGS – It is very common in pregnancy. DO NOT hide your anxiety or depression. Talk to your near and dear ones and resolve your feelings. c. SLEEP ISSUES AT NIGHT – This is very common either due to EXCESS URINATION or DISCOMFORT. Prevent it by:AVOID coffee/ tea after 7 pm.AVOID water intake after 7 pm.Drink warm milk before bed to relax you and help you sleep.Warm salt bath before bed also relaxes you and help you sleep in night. d. SMOKING, TOBACCO & ALCOHOL – It is prohibited in pregnancy


Basic Antenatal check up check list

What to expect in doctor’s visit after getting pregnancy test positive:-A pregnant female should have minimum of 3 visits with her doctor and maximum of 13 visits as follows (these are ideal visits which can increase as per your health and need as advised by doctor):Once a month for first 7 months of pregnancy.Twice a month in 8th month of pregnancy.Once a week Weekly in 9th month. BASIC TESTS NEEDED (AS PER DOCTOR ADVISE)CBC (complete blood count) – It should be done at first visit and then as per doctor’s advise.Blood group (of both partners if wife is RH negative)LFT,RFT – Liver and kidney function tests – to be done atleast once in pregnancyFBS, PPBS – blood sugar tests.TSH – Thyroid function tests.HIV, HBSAG, HCV, VDRL.URINER/M- urine tests as per needed.SONOGRAPHY (AS PER DOCTOR ADVISE)1ST- DATING SCAN – done as early as your home pregnancy test is positive or when you miss your periods (at 6-7 weeks to check for cardiac activity)2nd – NT SCAN – done at 12weeks with dual markers test if needed – to check for Trisomies and anomalies.3rd- ANOMALY SCAN – done at 18-20 weeks with quadruple marker if needed – to check fetal anomalies in detail4th – GROWTH SCAN- as and when required and advised by doctor (approximately at 32 weeks, 36weeks or early if needed) INJECTIONS NEEDED: 2 tetanus injection are must to be given after 6 month pregnancy – to be given 1 month apart.(to be taken after doctor advise)Injection Influenza vaccine to be given after 26 weeks completed.Injection anti D – if mother is RH negative blood group and father is positive , chances are there that baby is positive , so to prevent incompatibility injection anti D is given to mother at 28 weeks and then after delivery if baby tests RH positive blood group.



What are gynaecological cancers??They are cancers of female genital tract which include – Risk factors for these cancers : SOME COMMON MYTHS / FAQ’S ON CANCER :: Are all cancers lethal?How much is the survival rate of a cancer patient depends on the stage at which the cancer is detected. It is very important to be aware of the cancer symptoms so as to catch it early and treat it on time.Is there any screening test for cancers ?Yes , definitely . Though screening tests do not exist for all cancers but breast cancer, cervical cancer have screening tests . Pap smear test ( testing of your cervical cells ) is widely known test to detect changes in cervix early . Apart from this ultrasonography of pelvis can help you detect ovarian and endometrial cancer too.A post menopausal female develops sudden bleeding per vaginum, is it cancer?Well, post menopausal bleeding is not always cancer but is of concern. Never neglect this symptom and visit your gynaec for further evaluation and confirmation of the cause of this bleed.My ultrasound shows ovarian cyst, is it cancer ?Well, all ovarian cysts are not cancer for sure . Though ovarian cancers can develop at any age of life but if you had an ultrasound showing cyst in ovary , DO NOT panic . consult your doctor. She will guide you the best for further course of treatment .My mother and sister are at risk if I have a cancer ?Not all cancers run in family. If you have breast or ovarian cancer then your maternal side like your sister and mother and daughter carry a risk and should be investigated further . Lets have a look on SYMPTOMS commonly seen in gynaecological cancers : SYMPTOMS CERVICAL CANCER OVARIAN CANCER UTERINE CANCER VAGINAL CANCER VULVAL CANCERAbnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge YES YES YES YES NOFeeling full too quickly or difficult eating NO YES NO NO NOPelvic pain/pressure NO YES YES NO NOMore frequent or urgent need to urinate and constipation NO YES NO YES NOBloating NO YES NO NO NOAbdominal or back pain NO YES NO NO NOItching , burning , pain or tenderness of vulva NO NO NO NO YESChanges in vulva colour or rash , sores or warts NO NO NO NO YES TREATMENT OF CANCER :Depending on the stage at which the cancer is detected the treatment is done .It involves combination of surgery , chemotherapy and radiation therapy .



Concerned parents ask me daily about the safety, effectiveness and benefits of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. So, here is some information to clear out your doubts to help you make best decision for your child. Q: What is HPV?HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (STD). HPV affects both women and men. It causes cervical cancer, most neck and throat cancers, several other rare cancers, and even precancerous genital warts. Q: Why do you recommend the HPV vaccine?It is vaccine to prevent cervical cancer and genital warts. Prevention is always better than cure, because it can save lives. The numbers of people affected with HPV could potentially be a lot lower if every child got vaccinated against HPV at a correct age. Results from a 2018 Cochrane research study prove the vaccine is very successful in preventing HPV. In fact, HPV rates among teenage girls have declined since the vaccine came out. Plus, the side effects are minimal to none. Q: I’ve heard of a lot of negative side effects of the HPV vaccine. What are they?The HPV vaccine doesn’t have many side effects. The most common are warmth, swelling and some soreness at the injection spot. But this can happen with any kind of shot. Q: Does the vaccine prevent all types of HPV?There are more than 150 types of HPV that we know of. Not all of them are harmful. The vaccine that’s currently available protects against the nine types that most commonly cause cancer and genital warts – types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58. Types 16 and 18 make up about 70 percent of all cases of cervical cancer worldwide. Currently available vaccine is Cervarix and Gardasil. Q: Why do boys need the HPV vaccine?HPV is actually far more common in men than in women, according to a 2017 CDC report. The HPV vaccine helps prevent future infection that can lead to certain types of cancers in men. Q: The vaccine is given at such a young age, usually between 11-12 years old and in some cases as young as 9. Why so young?The vaccine is most effective when given at younger ages, when it can be done in just two doses. (The second dose is given six months after the first shot.) . It’s best to give the HPV vaccine before children start engaging in sexual activity. Ideal age recommended is 9-11years age. It gives protection for 10 years. Q: Is the vaccine effective if you are already sexually active ?Yes, you may be infected by a different strain if sexually active . The vaccine overall protects you from various strains and is highly recommended even if you are sexually active and late in taking the dose. Q: Is cervical cancer screening (PAP TEST) still needed after HPV dose is completely taken ?Yes, Pap test is to be conducted as advised and scheduled Q: How do I explain to my child what the vaccine is for?It depends on their maturity level and what they’ll understand. I think the easiest, most straightforward thing to say is that the vaccine will protect them from certain types of cancer and other diseases when they’re older.


Exercises in pregnancy

A pregnant female should not exercise in pregnancy, she should be on bed rest!!!REALLY, IS IT TRUE???Of course not- it’s a MYTH.TIPS:⦁ Exercise can be done during whole pregnancy under guidance of your doctor.⦁ Take a YES from your doctor before going ahead for any type of exercise.Benefits of exercise during pregnancy?During pregnancy, exercise can:⦁ Reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling⦁ Boost your mood and energy levels⦁ Help you sleep better⦁ Prevent excess weight gain⦁ Promote muscle tone, strength and endurance⦁ A lower risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension⦁ Lower risk associated with excess weight gain⦁ Shortened labor⦁ A reduced risk of having a C-section Simplest exercise which you can do without any trainer:30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise is recommended on most days of the week. Walking is a great exercise for beginners. It provides moderate aerobic conditioning with minimal stress on your joints.Other good choices include swimming, low-impact aerobics and cycling on a stationary bike. Strength training is OK, too, as long as you stick to relatively low weights under guidance of a trainer.Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Warning signs indicating to stop exercising:Watch for signs of a problem, stop exercising and contact your health care provider if you have these during exercise:⦁ Vaginal bleeding⦁ Dizziness⦁ Headache⦁ Increased shortness of breath before you start exercising⦁ Chest pain⦁ Painful uterine contractions that continue after rest⦁ Fluid leaking or gushing from your vagina⦁ Calf pain or swelling⦁ Muscle weakness affecting balance SOME OF THE SAFE & UNSAFE EXERCISES IN PREGNANCY: SAFE UNSAFE Walking Jumping Swimming Horse riding Yoga Football pilats Basketball Scuba diving Skiing 1st trimester pregnancy exercises:GENTLE NECK & SHOULDER ROLL Roll your head back & forth, right and left and in circles clockwise and counter clockwise along with slow gentle breaths.Repeat the same with shoulder blades too.BENEFIT: release tension from neck, head and shoulder BUTTERFLY POSE Sit with your legs outstretched. Bend your knees and bring the soles of feet together. Hold your feet with both hands. Gently bounce your knees up and down, using elbows as levers to press the legs down. Do not use any force. Do it for 5 min.BENEFIT: Stimulates heart and improves blood circulation. Relieves fatigue and anxiety. CAT POSEPlace hands and knees on mat while exhaling, round your neck and bring chin towards your chest. Return to straight spine while exhaling. Hold it for as long as you feel comfortable but not more than 15 seconds.BENEFIT: Improves digestion TRIANGLE POSE: Stand with your feet apart, breathing in and bring your arms parallel to floor. Breathing out, extend and bend on your right side to bring the right hand closer to the right foot. Hold. Breathing in, slowly come up and then relax. Repeat on the other side.BENEFIT: Improves circulation. Relieves aches and pains from back &legs2ND TRIMESTER EXERCISES:GENTLE NECK & SHOULDER ROLLRoll your head back & forth, right and left and in circles clockwise and counter clockwise along with slow gentle breaths.Repeat the same with shoulder blades too.BENEFIT: release tension from neck, head and shoulder CHILD POSE Keep your knees and thighs separate, gently bend forward, placing your forehead on floor or on cushion in front of you. Extend arms forward, press palms on the floor. Rest with gentle breaths.BENEFIT: It helps battle dizziness and fatigue. WARRIOR POSE Widen your legs so that they are hip width apart. Twist right heel and point toes outward. Use the left heel to support yourself. Lower the hips and radiate all your energy out as you stretch out your arms. The arms must be in line with the shoulders. Look forward. Breath long and deep and hold the pose till you are comfortable. Release and repeat on the other side too.BENEFIT: strengthens ankles, knees, shoulders, arms, legs and back. HERO POSE Kneel on floor. Bring your toes together and separate the heels. Lower your buttocks onto the inside surface of feet, with your heels touching side of hips. Place your hands on your knees, palms down. Your back and head should be straight.BENEFIT: Strengths thigh muscle. Enhance digestive functions. Strength pelvic muscles 3rd Trimester ExercisesFULL SHOULDER ROTATION: Place the right fingertips up on the right shoulder. Slowly rotate the arm and shoulder joint around, as if drawing a large circle with the tip of elbow. Inhale when opening the chest as the elbows go backwards and exhale when the elbows move towards touching at the front.BENEFIT: Improves circulation & flexibility in the shoulders and upper back. Releases tension from around the heart and lungs. Encourages better breathing. SQUAT AND RISE POSE OR GODDESS POSE Stand erect on your feet about a meter apart, with your toes turned out. Interlock the fingers of both hands and let them hang loosely in front of your body. Slowly bend your knees and lower your buttocks. Straighten your knees and return to the upright position.BENEFIT: strengthen the muscles of middle back, uterus, thighs and ankles. PALM TREE POSE Stand with your feet together and your arms at your side. As you inhale, raise your arms over your head, interlock your fingers, and then turn the palms upwards. As you exhale, place your hands over your head. Inhale and stretch your arms, shoulders and chest upwards. While exhaling, bring your hands on top of your head.BENEFIT:Helps develop mental and physical balance. Helps the back to stretch and relax HAND RAISING POSE Stand with your feet together and arms by your side. Breathing in, extend both arms overhead. Gently stretch up. Breathing out release the stress. Next extend both arms overhead. Breathing in, gently stretch your right arm longer than your left arm and then breathing out release the stretch. Similarly repeat for the left arm and keep alternating between right and left arm at a moderate pace.BENEFIT: Removes stiffness from the shoulder and upper back. Influences heart and improves blood circulation.


Diet in pregnancy and breast feeding

Tip for : 1st trimester (Till 3 months) :Before getting up from bed in early morning:- eat 4-5 kishmish with 5-6 almonds (overnight soaked) or 1 toast or 2 biscuit . (This prevents excessive morning sickness) Breakfast 1 katori dalia or1 katori poha /upma with vegetables or2 chapati / 1 wheat bread with sabji or curd1 glass milkOr 2 eggs in any formMid morning snacks Any seasonal fruit , nuts , sproutsLunch 1 medium plate salad1 katori daal( whole daal)1 katori vegetable1 katori curd/raita3 medium size rotiEvening snacks Seasonal fruit or nutsDinner ( early dinner by 8pm) 1 medium plate salad1 katori vegetable1 katori whole daal or 1 katori curd3 medium size rotiDessert Optional Tip : Mild walk advised 20 min after lunch and dinner for proper digestion .Drink 10-12 glass of water daily. Dosa/idli with sambharStuffed parantha and curdBesan chila with vegetablesSprouted beans , chana , daal with panner , cucumber, onion , tomato and lemonKhichdi with curd and ghee ADD GHEE to foodPotatoes to be consumed boiled NOT FRIEDEat all seasonal fruits and vegetablesAVOID – fried and spicy foodAVOID – road side food AVOID GAINING EXCESS WEIGHT:Eat steamed vegetablesAvoid fried and excess oil in curryEat 3 major meals , 3-4 small mealsDO NOT OVEREAT- DO NOT EAT WHEN NOT HUNGRYDo walking 1/2 hour per day in evening or after dinner.DO basic household works- there is no restriction in it.AVOID lifting up heavy weights.RECREATE your hobbies, keep busy.AVOID white sugar, eat JAGGERY insteadyou can add jaggery to any food item where you need sugarFor craving for sweet- take kishmish, jaggery ladoo, chikki , honey and dates instead ofchocolates and market products and packed sweet items like pastries and cakesAVOID maida. PERMITTED: 12kg (if you are average weight before pregnancy )18 kg- if you are under weight7-8 kg – if you are overweightDuring pregnancy weight gain starts from 5th month so do not panic if weight is stable before it.Even after it >1 kg in a week is not acceptable.Weight gains maximum between 6th to 8th month Iron rich foods in pregnancy: DIET IN BREAST FEEDING:Breast feeding females need more calories and energy than pregnant females. The diet chart overall is the same but the amount of food to be consumed can be increased as per the hunger. TIPS for breast feeding mothers: What to AVOID when breast feeding-   TRADITIONAL RECEPIES DURING BREAST FEEDING :

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