- COSMETIC CARE : (to prevent stretch marks)
Prevention has to be started from 3rd month of pregnancy only.
Use coconut oil or cream for massage on tummy – 2 to 3 times a day
Avoid skin from getting dry
Worried about darkening of skin during pregnancy:- DO NOT WORRY, it will go after delivery in 6 months . It is physiological. This is due to increase in pigment in body. - VARICOSE VEINS- You may have seen pregnant women complaining of swollen veins in pregnancy .It is due to stagnation of blood.
How to prevent it:
a. Avoid long standing
b. Place foot on chair /stool i.e. on high level while sitting
c. Do not cross legs when sit on chair
d. When sitting for long time make A, B, C using your toes as a part of exercise - TEETH AND GUMS -They tend to decay and form plaques due to lack of immunity in pregnancy .You may also find bleeding gums in pregnancy.
a. Brush teeth in night also.
b. Wash mouth with water after every meal.
c. Use soft brush to prevent bleeding gums. - LEG CRAMPS : It is very common in pregnancy .
Causes of leg cramps: 1. Water deficiency
2. Calcium deficiency
*Massage the area.
*Point toes towards face when cramp occur.
*Hot fomentation.
*Increase calcium intake in food or supplements
*Exercise foot by making A, B C etc. with toes in air or walk 10min on toes and
then heels and outside of foot before sleeping at night - SHORTNESS OF BREATH: It is normal in pregnancy due to pressure of baby and uterus on lungs. Try to sit upright and take deep breathe in and out. It will gradually be ok once baby is delivered.
- PALPITATIONS :It is normal in pregnancy due to increase in blood supply and extra work to be done by heart .There nothing to worry- it will resolve after delivery. For now just relax and do yoga and breathing exercises.
- AVOID heels and uncomfortable footwear in pregnancy. Wear comfortable shoes and slippers which prevent falling and keep foot relaxed.
- NASAL CONGESTION: You may have often observed stuffy nose or persistent cold inspite of treatment during pregnancy .This is also normal during pregnancy due to progesterone hormone. Take steam or use decongestant if needed. Regular intake of antibiotic is not recommended unless indicated.
- BACKACHE : It is seen very common in pregnancy and seen in all trimesters . It increases with increase in duration of pregnancy and work done.
How to prevent backache – - Sit and stand in correct posture throughout the day (do not bend your spine.
Be straight) - Lie down in lateral position, not on back or use pillow below lower back to prevent pain
- Take adequate rest (2 hours in day & 8 hours in night)
- Take support of pillows find a comfortable position when you lie down.
- Constant pain in lower abdomen :
You may find a constant pain in lower abdomen in early pregnancy. It is not to be worried about. This is due to stretching of ligaments supporting uterus as uterus size is increasing. - TINGLING AND NUMBNESS:
This is due to 1. Pressure on nerves
2. Nerve weakness
3. Fluid accumulation around joints
Treatment : - Take Vitamin B12 /Vitamin D either in form of non-veg food or medications
- After waking up if you feel numbness in hands – face palm towards ceiling and
alternate open and close fingers – this will relieve stiffness. - Decrease salt in diet
- SWOLLEN HANDS AND FEET – This is very common symptom in pregnancy. It resolves after resting foot in night or keeping foot at higher level for sometime. If the swelling persist even after rest – it is not normal (consult your doctor)
AVOID : Wearing tight rings in pregnancy.
: Exertion and long standing.
REST with feet at higher level – use stool under feet when sitting or pillow under feet when you lie down.
CHECK haemoglobin, check for anemia, increase protein intake and decrease salt in diet – this will help to resolve swelling. - BEHAVIOURAL CHANGES :
a. ABNORMAL CRAVINGS- it is natural to have cravings for odd foods at odd times during pregnancy . DO NOT BE SHY. Eat what you want to. Just be careful that food is HYGEINIC.
Eating golgappe in pregnancy is acceptable provided it’s not street made. Make at home or have from good shop.
As you know excess of everything is bad – eat in limit and AVOID excess weight gain.
b. MOOD SWINGS – It is very common in pregnancy. DO NOT hide your anxiety or
depression. Talk to your near and dear ones and resolve your feelings.
c. SLEEP ISSUES AT NIGHT – This is very common either due to EXCESS
Prevent it by:
AVOID coffee/ tea after 7 pm.
AVOID water intake after 7 pm.
Drink warm milk before bed to relax you and help you sleep.
Warm salt bath before bed also relaxes you and help you sleep in night.
d. SMOKING, TOBACCO & ALCOHOL – It is prohibited in pregnancy
- TRAVELLING IN PREGNANCY : It is avoided only if you have bleeding in pregnancy or doctor has advised you rest and not to travel.
Till 12 weeks (3 months) pregnancy placenta is weak so exertion should be avoided. After 34 weeks it is advisable to avoid long travel.
ALWAYS consult your doctor before travelling anywhere.
TRAIN AND FLIGHT travel are comfortable and safer for long distance rather car or bus.
a. NAUSEA & VOMITING – It is more till 3 months.
- Do not stuff your tummy with food.
- Have small frequent meals.
*Avoid spicy and oily food.
*After waking up in morning – lie down in bed for 10min – eat toast, bread or
kishmish before getting up from bed . Have breakfast 1 hour after waking up
*Avoid excess tea/coffee
*Have protein biscuit before sleeping to prevent early morning acidity
Sucking lemon, eating saunf, sip ice water, mint tea, drink ginger tea/ coffee
Avoid strong smelling food
Take tablets as per your doctor
Eat banana between meals
Wear loose clothes
Avoid stress of work and family
- HEART BURN – It is common in all months of pregnancy
*Avoid keeping stomach empty or excess full (DO NOT STARVE OR OVEREAT)
- Sips of cold water will relieve it.
- Have dinner by 8 pm.
- Sit propped up after dinner for at least 1 hour and walk 20 min before sleeping
- Take extra pillows below head if you wish to while sleeping to help to keep
Propped up. - Avoid spicy, oily and excess salad in diet.
- Eat roughage rich food like salads, pulses, wheat or multigrain roti and fruits
- Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day (2-3 glasses after waking up in morning)
- Have laxatives after doctor’s advise if needed.
You may often have urgency, frequency and pain while passing urine – this is UTI
Treatment –
*Drink plenty of water.
*Have cranberry juice or fresh cranberries.
*Wash perineal area after passing stool from front to back.
*Wash urine area always after passing urine.
*Wash vaginal area with soap and water during bath. - VAGINAL DISCHARGE :
Small amount of vaginal mucoid dicharge is normal so as to protect germs to enter uterus.
When to visit doctor to check if discharge needs treatment :
*if discharge is foul smelling or greenish or discoloured – consult your doctor