What are gynaecological cancers??
They are cancers of female genital tract which include –
- Ovarian cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Endometrial cancer
- Vaginal and vulval cancer
Risk factors for these cancers :
- HPV infection
- Tobacco use
- Long term use of oral contraceptive pills
- Obesity
- Age – elderly are at more risk of cancer
- Family history- ovarian cancer runs in family
Are all cancers lethal?
How much is the survival rate of a cancer patient depends on the stage at which the cancer is detected. It is very important to be aware of the cancer symptoms so as to catch it early and treat it on time.
Is there any screening test for cancers ?
Yes , definitely . Though screening tests do not exist for all cancers but breast cancer, cervical cancer have screening tests . Pap smear test ( testing of your cervical cells ) is widely known test to detect changes in cervix early . Apart from this ultrasonography of pelvis can help you detect ovarian and endometrial cancer too.
A post menopausal female develops sudden bleeding per vaginum, is it cancer?
Well, post menopausal bleeding is not always cancer but is of concern. Never neglect this symptom and visit your gynaec for further evaluation and confirmation of the cause of this bleed.
My ultrasound shows ovarian cyst, is it cancer ?
Well, all ovarian cysts are not cancer for sure . Though ovarian cancers can develop at any age of life but if you had an ultrasound showing cyst in ovary , DO NOT panic . consult your doctor. She will guide you the best for further course of treatment .
My mother and sister are at risk if I have a cancer ?
Not all cancers run in family. If you have breast or ovarian cancer then your maternal side like your sister and mother and daughter carry a risk and should be investigated further .
Lets have a look on SYMPTOMS commonly seen in gynaecological cancers :
Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge YES YES YES YES NO
Feeling full too quickly or difficult eating NO YES NO NO NO
Pelvic pain/pressure NO YES YES NO NO
More frequent or urgent need to urinate and constipation NO YES NO YES NO
Bloating NO YES NO NO NO
Abdominal or back pain NO YES NO NO NO
Itching , burning , pain or tenderness of vulva NO NO NO NO YES
Changes in vulva colour or rash , sores or warts NO NO NO NO YES
Depending on the stage at which the cancer is detected the treatment is done .
It involves combination of surgery , chemotherapy and radiation therapy .