- Minimal contraction are experienced post pregnancy while breast feeding. This
is normal as when you feed the uterus is gradually contracting to get to its
normal size .Try breathing exercises like in labour to relieve pain due to it . - PAIN IN PERINEAL STITCH AREA:
Sit on round rubber tube when feeding till 7 days.
Use warm sitz bath 2-3 times /day.
Wash perineal area with warm water.
Apply ointment on perineal stitches as given by doctor.
Pass urine while bending forward : this will prevent urine dribbling over vaginal area and hence prevent stitches from getting infected . - NO USE of corset or cloth binding at your abdomen for support or to decrease
tummy size. Regular exercise will only help to get back in shape. - HOUSEHOLD CHORES:
Avoid exertion – as muscles are still in relaxed state avoid overstraining otherwise back ache will be there.
Take help for household chores.
Do not bend your back in excess – sit on knees and pick up stuff from lower level if you want.
Avoid lifting heavy stuff. - When will I get PERIODS AFTER DELIVERY:
- If you are BREASTFEEDING – periods may come after 6-9 months of delivery
- If NOT breastfeeding – they may come after 1 month of delivery
There is no fixed rule of getting menses after delivery. If you don’t get menses after a year of delivery then consult your doctor.
- POST NATAL DEPRESSION: it can occur in any female post delivery
SIGNS of Post Partum depression:
Problems in sleeping
Lack of love for self and baby
Trying to hurt baby
Mood swings
Inferiority complex
ALWAYS consult your doctor if any of these symptoms are there. TALK to your husband, parents and good friends and SHARE your feelings. SPEAK OUT. MEDICATION if taken temporarily is of no harm to solve the problem if not solved otherwise - CONTRACEPTION POST DELIVERY : There is a question which always comes in our mind post delivery .Can you become pregnant even before getting 1st periods post delivery or when you are breast feeding?? The answer is – YES
The following options to be discussed with your partner by 8th month and discussed with doctor and to be told to her before delivery only. - Male or female CONDOM, diaphragm, cervical cup.
- Patient can opt for IUD DEVICE which is inserted in uterus just after placenta is removed. Its life is of 3-5 years and can be removed when next baby is planned. Return of fertility after IUD removal is 100%.
- You can opt for INJ DMPA before discharge from hospital. It is for 3 months period and can be repeated after 3 months till the time you want contraception. Only harm is that you may not get menses till the time you are using it.
- Patient having 2 or more kids with elder child of >3yrs can opt for permanent sterilization after caesarian or normal labour before discharge from hospital. Husband can also opt for permanent sterilization (day care procedure) with no effect on sexual activity at all.
- Use of I-PILL – it should not be used regularly but only in EMERGENCY (within 3 days of sexual intercourse).